Autor: Antonio de Jesus Anaya Hernandez, DevOps eng. for the IoPA.
Autor: The internet of Production Alliance, 2023.
Data was collected by "Fab Foundation", location:
The Open Know Where (OKW) Standard is part of the Internet of Production Alliance and its members.
License: CC BY SA
import pandas as pd
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import concurrent.futures
import itertools
!pip install tabulate
from IPython.display import display, HTML
def binary_search(url):
left = 0
right = 50
while left <= right:
mid = (left + right) // 2
r = requests.get(url + str(mid))
if r.status_code == 200:
page_content = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
machine_data ='div.machines > div.machine')
if len(machine_data) > 0:
left = mid + 1
right = mid - 1
right = mid - 1
return right
machines_url = ''
def get_machines_list(page):
global machines_url
r = requests.get(machines_url + str(page))
if r.status_code == 200:
page_content = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
machine_data ='div.machines > div.machine > div.card div > a', limit=0)
machines = list(set([content['href'][10:] for content in machine_data if content['href'][:9] == '/machines']))
return machines
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) as page_reader:
pages_number = binary_search(machines_url)
pages_read = [page_reader.submit(get_machines_list, int(page)) for page in range(1, pages_number+1)]
machines_list = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([future.result() for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(pages_read)]))
# print(machines_list)
def get_machine_data(url):
r = requests.get('' + url)
if r.status_code == 200:
page_content = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
labs_data ='div.side > ul.list-unstyled > li > a', limit=0)
labs = [content['href'][6:] for content in labs_data if content['href'][:5] == '/labs']
machine_data ='div.row > div.col-lg-8')
machine_info = [x.text.replace("\n", "") for x in machine_data[0].children if x != '\n' and len(x.text) >= 1]
tag_data ='div.side > ul.taglist > li > strong > a', limit=0)
tag_info = [content['href'][14:].replace("+", "_").replace("_%26_","_") for content in tag_data if content['href'][:9] == '/machines']
# print(url)
# print(machine_info)
if len(labs) > 0:
return {'name':machine_info[1],'brand':machine_info[0],'labs':labs,'tags':tag_info}
return url
return (url, r.status_code)
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) as read_machines:
future_results = [read_machines.submit(get_machine_data, url) for url in machines_list]
results = [future.result() for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_results)]
# results
machines = pd.DataFrame([x for x in results if type(x) is dict]) =
(438, 4)
machines['machine_count'] = machines['labs'].str.len()
brand | labs | tags | machine_count | |
name | ||||
kc4x380-s | Sieg | [fablabchateauthierry] | [] | 1 |
protomat® s62 | LPKF | [aachen, fablabinatel, hrwfablab, fablabbkk] | [precision_milling] | 4 |
shopbot desktop | ShopBot Tools, Inc | [fablabatyrau, lbsfablab, popplacevalenciennes... | [] | 17 |
makerbot z18 | MakerBot Industries | [musefablab, fablabzurich, minifablabutrecht, ... | [] | 30 |
bcn3d ignis | BCN3D Technologies | [fablabterrassa, fablabmalaga] | [Laser_cut] | 2 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
compact 1208 | Jaraguá CNC | [curitibafablab] | [CNCMilling_RouterCNC] | 1 |
beambox | FLUX | [enterprisefablab] | [co2_laser, laser_engraver] | 1 |
form cure | Formlabs | [enterprisefablab] | [sla, 3dprinting] | 1 |
form wash l | Formlabs | [enterprisefablab] | [sla, 3dprinting] | 1 |
pcr workstations | Other Machine Co | [FabLabMogadishu] | [Specially_designed_to_minimize_the_sample_con... | 1 |
438 rows × 4 columns
machines.set_index('name').machine_count.sort_values(ascending=True).tail(20).plot(kind='barh', rot=0, width=0.2, align='center', figsize=(15,12))
machines['tags'] = machines['tags'].apply(lambda x: [tag.replace('%23', '').replace('%3B', '').replace('%C2%AD', '').replace('%C3%A9', 'e').lower() for tag in x])
setof_tags = {tag for row in machines['tags'] for tag in row}
0 [] 1 [precision_milling] 2 [] 3 [] 4 [laser_cut] ... 433 [cncmilling_routercnc] 434 [co2_laser, laser_engraver] 435 [sla, 3dprinting] 436 [sla, 3dprinting] 437 [specially_designed_to_minimize_the_sample_con... Name: tags, Length: 438, dtype: object
machines['tagged'] = machines.tags.apply(lambda x: len(x) > 0)
classes_1 = {'three_d_printer': [x for x in setof_tags if '3d' in x and not 'sca' in x],
'cnc_milling': [x for x in setof_tags if 'cnc' in x and not 'prec' in x and not 'laser' in x],
'laser': [x for x in setof_tags if 'laser' in x],
'circuit_production': [x for x in setof_tags if 'pcb' in x],
'precision_milling': [x for x in setof_tags if 'prec' in x],
'vinyl_cutting':[x for x in setof_tags if 'vinyl' in x],
# 'other': [x for x in setof_tags if len(x) == 0],
classified_tags = set(val for sublist in classes_1.values() for val in sublist)
machines['classified'] = machines['tags'].apply(lambda x: True if any(tag in classified_tags for tag in x) else False)
machines.tagged == machines.classified
0 True 1 True 2 True 3 True 4 True ... 433 True 434 True 435 True 436 True 437 False Length: 438, dtype: bool
0 False 1 True 2 False 3 False 4 True ... 433 True 434 True 435 True 436 True 437 False Name: classified, Length: 438, dtype: bool
['three_d_printer', 'cnc_milling', 'laser', 'circuit_production', 'precision_milling', 'vinyl_cutting']
[['3dprinter_gtmax', 'sethi3d_s3', '3d_printer', 'resin_lcd_gtmax_gtmax3d_3dprint_3dprinter_brasil_brazil_fablab', 'a_3d_printer3dprinter', '3d', '3dprinter_a_3d_printer', '3dp', 'lynx_3d', 'gtmax_gtmax3d_brasil_brazil', 'delta_3d_printer', 'dlp_3d_printer', '3d_printing', '3dpriner', 'fdm_3d_print', '3d_machine', '3d_print_carbon_fiber', 'fdm_desktop_3d_printer', 'sls_3dprinting', '3dprinting', '3dprinter', '3d_printer_reprap_prusa_i3'], ['desktop_cnc', 'cnc_router', 'fresadora_router_cnc', 'cnc_milling_machine', 'cncmilling_routercnc', 'cnc', 'cnc-milling', 'wood_lathe_cnc_machine', 'milling_cnc', 'cnc_milling', 'cnc_carving', 'cnc_lathe', 'usinagem._fresadora_cnc_rizon_primalinea_router_cnc_router', 'cnc_wood_lathe', 'cnc_foam', 'cnc_router_machine'], ['laser_engraving_machine', 'lasercut', 'laser_engraver_cutter_metal', 'lasercnc', 'laser_cutting_engraving', 'laser', 'laser_engraving_cutting', 'co2_laser_cutter', 'corte_a_laser', 'laser_cutter', 'laser_cutting', 'laser_marking', 'laser_engraver', 'laser-engraving', 'thunder_laser', 'laser_engraving', 'co2_laser', 'laser_cut', 'fastest_laser'], ['pcb_milling'], ['precision_milling', 'precison_milling', 'precision_cnc_milling', 'precisionmilling'], ['vinyl', 'vinyl_cutter', 'vinyl_cutting', 'vinyl_cutter_plotter']]
machines['class_1'] = machines['tags'].apply(lambda x: list(set([class_1 for tag in x for class_1 in list(classes_1.keys()) if tag in classes_1[class_1]])) if len(x) > 0 else [None]).apply(lambda x: [None] if len(x) == 0 else x)
[None] ['precision_milling'] [None] [None] ['laser'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['laser'] ['three_d_printer'] ['cnc_milling'] [None] [None] ['vinyl_cutting'] ['precision_milling'] ['laser'] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] ['cnc_milling'] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] ['laser'] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['laser'] [None] ['precision_milling'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] ['laser'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] ['precision_milling'] [None] [None] [None] ['laser'] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['cnc_milling'] ['cnc_milling', 'circuit_production', 'precision_milling'] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] ['cnc_milling', 'three_d_printer', 'laser'] [None] ['laser'] [None] ['cnc_milling'] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['cnc_milling'] [None] ['laser'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['vinyl_cutting'] ['cnc_milling'] [None] [None] ['laser'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['laser'] ['cnc_milling'] [None] [None] [None] ['laser'] ['precision_milling'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['laser'] [None] ['laser'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['vinyl_cutting'] ['laser'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] ['laser'] [None] ['laser'] ['cnc_milling'] ['vinyl_cutting'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['laser'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['laser'] [None] ['laser', 'cnc_milling', 'three_d_printer'] ['precision_milling'] ['cnc_milling'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['laser'] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['vinyl_cutting'] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] ['cnc_milling'] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['vinyl_cutting'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] ['cnc_milling'] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['vinyl_cutting'] ['cnc_milling', 'three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['laser'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] ['cnc_milling'] [None] ['cnc_milling'] ['cnc_milling'] [None] [None] [None] ['vinyl_cutting'] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['laser'] [None] ['precision_milling'] [None] [None] ['cnc_milling'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['vinyl_cutting'] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['vinyl_cutting'] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] ['cnc_milling'] [None] [None] [None] ['laser'] [None] ['laser'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['vinyl_cutting'] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] ['vinyl_cutting'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['laser'] ['precision_milling'] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['vinyl_cutting'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] ['laser', 'cnc_milling', 'three_d_printer'] ['cnc_milling'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['cnc_milling'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] ['precision_milling'] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['cnc_milling'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['laser'] [None] [None] [None] ['cnc_milling'] ['precision_milling'] [None] ['cnc_milling'] ['vinyl_cutting'] ['laser'] [None] ['cnc_milling'] ['laser'] ['laser'] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['cnc_milling'] ['vinyl_cutting'] ['laser'] [None] [None] [None] ['laser'] ['cnc_milling'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['laser'] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['cnc_milling'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['cnc_milling'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] ['laser'] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] ['cnc_milling'] [None] [None] [None] ['cnc_milling'] [None] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] [None] ['cnc_milling'] [None] ['laser'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['cnc_milling'] [None] ['three_d_printer'] [None] [None] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] ['cnc_milling'] [None] ['laser'] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] ['cnc_milling'] ['laser'] ['three_d_printer'] ['three_d_printer'] [None]
for tags in machines.class_1:
if len(tags) > 1:
['cnc_milling', 'circuit_production', 'precision_milling'] ['cnc_milling', 'three_d_printer', 'laser'] ['laser', 'cnc_milling', 'three_d_printer'] ['cnc_milling', 'three_d_printer'] ['laser', 'cnc_milling', 'three_d_printer']
name | brand | labs | tags | machine_count | tagged | classified | class_1 | |
0 | kc4x380-s | Sieg | [fablabchateauthierry] | [] | 1 | False | False | [None] |
1 | protomat® s62 | LPKF | [aachen, fablabinatel, hrwfablab, fablabbkk] | [precision_milling] | 4 | True | True | [precision_milling] |
2 | shopbot desktop | ShopBot Tools, Inc | [fablabatyrau, lbsfablab, popplacevalenciennes... | [] | 17 | False | False | [None] |
3 | makerbot z18 | MakerBot Industries | [musefablab, fablabzurich, minifablabutrecht, ... | [] | 30 | False | False | [None] |
4 | bcn3d ignis | BCN3D Technologies | [fablabterrassa, fablabmalaga] | [laser_cut] | 2 | True | True | [laser] |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
433 | compact 1208 | Jaraguá CNC | [curitibafablab] | [cncmilling_routercnc] | 1 | True | True | [cnc_milling] |
434 | beambox | FLUX | [enterprisefablab] | [co2_laser, laser_engraver] | 1 | True | True | [laser] |
435 | form cure | Formlabs | [enterprisefablab] | [sla, 3dprinting] | 1 | True | True | [three_d_printer] |
436 | form wash l | Formlabs | [enterprisefablab] | [sla, 3dprinting] | 1 | True | True | [three_d_printer] |
437 | pcr workstations | Other Machine Co | [FabLabMogadishu] | [specially_designed_to_minimize_the_sample_con... | 1 | True | False | [None] |
438 rows × 8 columns
machines.set_index('name').sort_values('machine_count', ascending=True).tail(40).plot(kind='barh', rot=0, width=0.2, align='center', figsize=(15,12))
machines['class_1'] = machines['class_1'].apply(lambda x: max(set(x), key=x.count) if len(x)>0 else 'other')
machines.sort_values('machine_count').set_index('name').groupby('class_1', sort=False).plot(kind='barh', rot=0, width=0.2, align='center', figsize=(15,12))
class_1 three_d_printer AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755) laser AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755) vinyl_cutting AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755) precision_milling AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755) cnc_milling AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755) dtype: object
machines.groupby('class_1').sum().sort_values('machine_count').plot(kind='barh', rot=0, width=0.2, align='center', figsize=(15,12))
machines.sort_values('machine_count').groupby('class_1', sort=False).boxplot(column='machine_count', figsize=(18,5), subplots=False)
machines.sort_values('machine_count').groupby('class_1', sort=False)
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x000002134FAE0F40>
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
df_copy = machines.copy()
df_copy.replace([None], np.nan, inplace=True)
df_copy.replace(False, np.nan, inplace=True)
df_copy = df_copy.apply(lambda x: np.nan if len(x) == 0 else x)
name 0 brand 0 labs 0 tags 0 machine_count 0 tagged 155 classified 256 class_1 256 dtype: int64
plt.figure(figsize = (14,5))
ax = sns.heatmap(df_copy.isnull().transpose(), cmap='Reds', cbar=False)
to_fill = [machine for index, machine in machines.iterrows() if machine[-1] == [None]]