Author: Antonio de Jesus Anaya Hernandez, DevOps eng. for the IoPA.
Author: The internet of Production Alliance, 2023.
Data was collected by "Fab Foundation", location:
The Open Know Where (OKW) Standard is part of the Internet of Production Alliance and its members.
License: CC BY SA
import pandas as pd
import os
from datetime import datetime
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#!pip install folium
import folium
from folium.plugins import HeatMap, MiniMap, FloatImage, Search, LocateControl, MarkerCluster, FastMarkerCluster
from IPython.display import display, HTML
# import geopandas as gpd
import json
geoloc_machines = pd.read_csv('geomachines.csv').drop(columns=['city', 'county', 'Unnamed: 0']).dropna()
name | brand | slug | class_1 | lab | country_code | latitude | longitude | |
0 | ultimaker 2 | ultimaker | thebeachlab | three_d_printer | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
1 | kinect v1 | microsoft | thebeachlab | scanner | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
2 | gx-24 | roland | thebeachlab | vinyl_cutting | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
3 | mdx-20 | roland | thebeachlab | precision_milling | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
4 | imodela | roland | thebeachlab | precision_milling | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
5 | othermill | other machine co | thebeachlab | precision_milling | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
6 | 5th gen 40w/45w laser | full spectrum laser | thebeachlab | laser | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
7 | fireball v90 | probotix | thebeachlab | cnc_milling | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
8 | ultimaker 2 | ultimaker | fablabiedmadrid | three_d_printer | Fab Lab IED Madrid | ES | 40.390583 | -3.729061 |
9 | prusa i3 | reprap | fablabiedmadrid | three_d_printer | Fab Lab IED Madrid | ES | 40.390583 | -3.729061 |
unique_values = geoloc_machines['class_1'].unique()
# create an empty dictionary to store dataframes
machines_bytype = {}
geojson = {}
# iterate over unique values and create new dataframes
for value in unique_values:
machines_bytype[value] = geoloc_machines[geoloc_machines['class_1'] == value]
# geojson[value] = gpd.GeoDataFrame(machines_bytype[value], geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(machines_bytype[value].longitude, machines_bytype[value].latitude))
for value in machines_bytype.values():
name | brand | slug | class_1 | lab | country_code | latitude | longitude | |
0 | ultimaker 2 | ultimaker | thebeachlab | three_d_printer | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
8 | ultimaker 2 | ultimaker | fablabiedmadrid | three_d_printer | Fab Lab IED Madrid | ES | 40.390583 | -3.729061 |
9 | prusa i3 | reprap | fablabiedmadrid | three_d_printer | Fab Lab IED Madrid | ES | 40.390583 | -3.729061 |
13 | form 1+ | formlabs | fablabiedmadrid | three_d_printer | Fab Lab IED Madrid | ES | 40.390583 | -3.729061 |
15 | deltawasp 3mt | wasp | fablabiedmadrid | three_d_printer | Fab Lab IED Madrid | ES | 40.390583 | -3.729061 |
name | brand | slug | class_1 | lab | country_code | latitude | longitude | |
1 | kinect v1 | microsoft | thebeachlab | scanner | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
24 | kinect v1 | microsoft | fablabtrivandrum | scanner | FABLAB KERALA - Trivandrum | IN | 8.557167 | 76.880297 |
39 | kinect v1 | microsoft | fablabcochin | scanner | Super Fablab - Kerala | IN | 10.055420 | 76.354695 |
54 | kinect v1 | microsoft | fablabkamplintfort | scanner | FabLab Kamp-Lintfort | DE | 51.499970 | 6.545330 |
62 | sense 3d scanner | 3d systems, inc | fablabjordan | scanner | TechWorks Amman | JO | 31.971502 | 35.832792 |
name | brand | slug | class_1 | lab | country_code | latitude | longitude | |
2 | gx-24 | roland | thebeachlab | vinyl_cutting | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
11 | camm-1 gs-24 | roland | fablabiedmadrid | vinyl_cutting | Fab Lab IED Madrid | ES | 40.390583 | -3.729061 |
25 | gx-24 | roland | fablabtrivandrum | vinyl_cutting | FABLAB KERALA - Trivandrum | IN | 8.557167 | 76.880297 |
40 | gx-24 | roland | fablabcochin | vinyl_cutting | Super Fablab - Kerala | IN | 10.055420 | 76.354695 |
65 | camm-1 gs-24 | roland | fablabjordan | vinyl_cutting | TechWorks Amman | JO | 31.971502 | 35.832792 |
name | brand | slug | class_1 | lab | country_code | latitude | longitude | |
3 | mdx-20 | roland | thebeachlab | precision_milling | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
4 | imodela | roland | thebeachlab | precision_milling | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
5 | othermill | other machine co | thebeachlab | precision_milling | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
10 | srm-20 monofab | roland | fablabiedmadrid | precision_milling | Fab Lab IED Madrid | ES | 40.390583 | -3.729061 |
19 | mdx-20 | roland | fablabuni | precision_milling | Fab Lab UNI | PE | -12.020751 | -77.051119 |
name | brand | slug | class_1 | lab | country_code | latitude | longitude | |
6 | 5th gen 40w/45w laser | full spectrum laser | thebeachlab | laser | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
12 | speedy 100 | trotec | fablabiedmadrid | laser | Fab Lab IED Madrid | ES | 40.390583 | -3.729061 |
22 | legend 36ext | epilog laser | fablabuni | laser | Fab Lab UNI | PE | -12.020751 | -77.051119 |
28 | speedy 100 | trotec | fablabtrivandrum | laser | FABLAB KERALA - Trivandrum | IN | 8.557167 | 76.880297 |
43 | speedy 100 | trotec | fablabcochin | laser | Super Fablab - Kerala | IN | 10.055420 | 76.354695 |
name | brand | slug | class_1 | lab | country_code | latitude | longitude | |
7 | fireball v90 | probotix | thebeachlab | cnc_milling | The Beach Lab x Europe | ES | 41.256795 | 1.857121 |
14 | tec cam 1000 | perez camps | fablabiedmadrid | cnc_milling | Fab Lab IED Madrid | ES | 40.390583 | -3.729061 |
18 | shopbot gantry | shopbot tools, inc | fablabuni | cnc_milling | Fab Lab UNI | PE | -12.020751 | -77.051119 |
26 | shopbot gantry | shopbot tools, inc | fablabtrivandrum | cnc_milling | FABLAB KERALA - Trivandrum | IN | 8.557167 | 76.880297 |
41 | shopbot gantry | shopbot tools, inc | fablabcochin | cnc_milling | Super Fablab - Kerala | IN | 10.055420 | 76.354695 |
name | brand | slug | class_1 | lab | country_code | latitude | longitude | |
29 | gw instek gpd-3303d power supply | gw instek | fablabtrivandrum | other | FABLAB KERALA - Trivandrum | IN | 8.557167 | 76.880297 |
31 | ds-1100 digital storage oscilloscope for 100 m... | unisource | fablabtrivandrum | other | FABLAB KERALA - Trivandrum | IN | 8.557167 | 76.880297 |
32 | afg-2125 - function generator, arbitrary / di... | gw instek | fablabtrivandrum | other | FABLAB KERALA - Trivandrum | IN | 8.557167 | 76.880297 |
33 | tob-135 deluxe convection toaster oven broiler... | cuisinart | fablabtrivandrum | other | FABLAB KERALA - Trivandrum | IN | 8.557167 | 76.880297 |
34 | station 50/60w 120v wes51 | weller | fablabtrivandrum | other | FABLAB KERALA - Trivandrum | IN | 8.557167 | 76.880297 |
name | brand | slug | class_1 | lab | country_code | latitude | longitude | |
1214 | qbot minimill | qbot gmbh | NOIMakerSpace | circuit_production | NOI Techpark Maker Space | IT | 46.478455 | 11.332509 |
point_max = (geoloc_machines.latitude.max(), geoloc_machines.longitude.max())
point_min = (geoloc_machines.latitude.min(), geoloc_machines.longitude.min())
machines_map = folium.Map(tiles=None, prefer_canvas=False)
folium.raster_layers.TileLayer(tiles='cartodbpositron', name='Basic', control=False).add_to(machines_map)
machines_map.fit_bounds((point_min, point_max))
create_cluster_icon = '''
function(cluster) {
return L.divIcon({html:'<p class="centered" style="color: black; line-height: 25px; text-align: center;"> <strong>' + cluster.getChildCount() + '</strong></p>',
className: 'marker-cluster marker-cluster-small',
iconSize: new L.Point(20, 20)});
marker_cluster = MarkerCluster(name="Machines", icon_create_function=create_cluster_icon, control=False).add_to(machines_map)
colors = ['#7F3C8D','#11A579','#3969AC','#F2B701','#E73F74','#80BA5A','#E68310','#008695','#CF1C90','#f97b72','#4b4b8f','#A5AA99']
layers = {}
icon = '<i class="fas fa-circle" style="color: {color};"></i>'
for index, (key, data) in enumerate(machines_bytype.items()): = "EPSG:4326"
group = folium.plugins.FeatureGroupSubGroup(marker_cluster, icon.format(color=colors[index]) + ' ' + key.title().replace("_", " ") )
layers[key] = group
# name', 'brand', 'slug', 'class_1', 'edited', 'lab', 'country_code', 'latitude', 'longitude'
for indx, row in data.iterrows():
popup = f"""
<div style="padding: 5px; width: 200px">
<p><strong>Name:</strong>\t {row['name'].title()}</p>
<p><strong>Brand:</strong>\t {row['brand'].title()}</p>
<p><strong>Type:</strong>\t {row['class_1'].title().replace("_", " ")}</p>
<p><strong>Lab:</strong>\t {row['lab']}</p>
<p><strong>Lat, Lon:</strong>\t {row['latitude'],row['longitude'] }</p>
<img src="" style="max-width: 80px;"/>
marker = folium.CircleMarker(location=[row.latitude, row['longitude']],
<built-in method __dir__ of FeatureGroupSubGroup object at 0x0000020F75C88460> <built-in method __dir__ of FeatureGroupSubGroup object at 0x0000020F75C69D30> <built-in method __dir__ of FeatureGroupSubGroup object at 0x0000020F70137A90> <built-in method __dir__ of FeatureGroupSubGroup object at 0x0000020F70137BE0> <built-in method __dir__ of FeatureGroupSubGroup object at 0x0000020F70137A60> <built-in method __dir__ of FeatureGroupSubGroup object at 0x0000020F75CE12B0> <built-in method __dir__ of FeatureGroupSubGroup object at 0x0000020F75CE1940> <built-in method __dir__ of FeatureGroupSubGroup object at 0x0000020F75CE12E0>
logo_url = ''
logo_size = (10, 10)
icon = folium.features.CustomIcon(logo_url, icon_size=logo_size)
span = 1
float_image = FloatImage(logo_url, bottom=span, left=span, width=logo_size[0], height=logo_size[1])
minimap = MiniMap()
loc_ctrl = LocateControl(zindex=50)
map_control = folium.LayerControl(collapsed=False, autoZIndex=False)